Q: What reports do you recommend using on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to manage our practice?
Appointment Report
Daily Stats
Daily $
Weekly Stats
Weekly Patients
Patient Follow UP
Patient Management
Monthly (as needed)
Monthly #
Monthly $
Practice Summary
Q: Which team members should be using each report?
A: Essentially, all of the different reports are created for different staff members in the practice and for different time periods. For example:
Front desk staff will often use the following reports:
Dashboard Weekly Visits goal (daily)
Inbox (daily)
Appointment Report (daily)
Patient Search (daily)
Weekly Patients report (weekly)
Recall List or Follow Up (weekly)
Managers and those involved with billing and financials will look at:
Dashboard Weekly Visits goal (daily)
Appointment Report (plan for next day, check prior days) (daily)
All Patients report (weekly)
Patient Management report (weekly)
Stats reports (weekly)
Managers will often quickly check the Weekly Patients Report and Recall List to make sure the other staff members are doing their job (rescheduling patients, making notes, etc..).
Owners/doctors will look at:
Dashboard Weekly Visits goal (weekly)
Stats reports (big picture items) (weekly/monthly)
Weekly Patients (quick glance, make sure others are doing their job) (weekly)
Recall List (quick glance, make sure others are doing their job) (weekly)
Q: Can the reports be exported, saved or printed?
A: Most reports can be exported to Excel by clicking the Download button on the bottom right corner of the screen and saving the file.
Q: Why can't I see the Download button?
A: Only users set up with Manager or Administrator access can download reports.
You may want to reach out to the person with Administrator access on your account for assistance.
Q: How do I see more rows or lines of data on my report?
A: Increase Page Size at top of page.
Q: How do I see more or less columns on my report?
A: Click on Show/Hide Columns box at the top right side of the page, and select or unselect items as appropriate.
Q: How can I find / search for a patient on a report?
A: Make sure the page size includes all patients on the report and then use ?Ctrl-F? on your keyboard and then type in the item you would like to search for such as the patient?s last name.
Q: How do I send a patient a message from a patient report?
A: Click on the patient?s name to open the Patient Info Card and then click on ?Open Chat?.
Q: I added a provider to our EMR/EHR, but they are not visible in the Provider filter. How do I get the provider to show up on the list?
ChiroTouch: Assign the provider as the primary provider on at least one patient's case. The provider will be visible under Add Provider after the next data sync.
Make sure the provider has an active flag on the Practitioner ID list. The provider will be visible under Add Provider after the next data sync.
Identify the provider details associated with the schedule by locating the Practitioner list in Genesis. It is possible that the provider is associated with a different name.
select Search
select Providers
click on clinic name
select Practitioner tab
Q: Why does a patient show a negative balance on account?
A: A negative balance means that the patient has money/credit on account.
Q: Where can I access the personal injury (PI) card?
A: The personal injury (PI) card can be accessed from the Patient Management report, appointment report, weekly patient report and from the Patient Search.
Q: What are patient notes used for?
A: Patient notes are a great way to eliminate sticky notes on your desk and random pieces of paper strewn around the office. Keep all notes on a patient in one place where everyone can see them! No more wondering "what happened to so and so". Check the patient notes in TrackStat and see the latest information on a patient. Patient notes follow the patient around in TrackStat so you can see them anywhere!
Q: If I add a patient note in one report will I be able to see it in all other reports?
A: Patient notes transfer to all other reports
Q: What is the best practice when entering a patient note?
A: Start note with today's date, enter note and end with your initials ex. ? mm/dd/yy - enter note here - Initial ?. When entering a second note, enter it above the most recent note so you can ensure the newest information is always at the top.
Q: Can Genesis users see patient notes entered in Genesis?
A: Yes, a patient note entered in Genesis will be visible in TrackStat, but it cannot be modified in TrackStat. Additional notes can be added in TrackStat without affecting Genesis notes.
Q: I accidentally entered a ?next follow up date? on a report & I don?t know how to get rid of it.
A: Use the delete key to return to mm/dd/yyyy
Q: Why is an average calculation slightly off?
A: You may see calculations in the reports that appear to be slightly off, especially when dealing with averages. Keep in mind that the numbers you are seeing are rounded and there are likely decimal points involved in the calculation resulting in a slightly different result. Example: Monthly # report - Patient Visit Average. When calculating the PVA average over a time period, the calculation involves decimal points and will result in a slightly different result than dividing the whole numbers that appear on the report.
Q: Which report shows a patient?s referral source?
A: You can find a patient?s referral source in the Patient Management report and can sort or filter by referral source in this report
Q: How do I add a new referral source to our EMR/EHR software?
open ChiroTouch Maintenance
select List Maintenance
select list: Referred By Types
scroll down to *, add new entries as needed
Q: How do I add a new appointment purpose to our EMR/EHR software?
open ChiroTouch Maintenance
select List Maintenance
select list: Purpose of Visit
scroll down to *, add new entries as needed
in ChiroTouch Maintenance
select Options
In the Appointment Defaults section, edit:
Back Color
Fore Color
Appt Length
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