Q: How do I set up a visit purpose in TrackStat?
A: To set up a visit purpose:
Go into Settings>Visit Purpose and click on "Add Visit Purpose" in the upper right side of the screen & select the appointment purpose you want to add
In "Display Name" box, type in the appointment display name you want the patient to see
In " Description" box, only use if you want additional information to display along with the appointment name
In "Duration" box, use the drop down to select the amount of time to allow for the appointment
In "Available For" box, select either "Existing Patients" or "New Patients" or "All"
In "Case Type(s) box, select the case types to make available for online scheduling. A patient would need to have this case type in order to schedule
In "Room" box, you can select a room for this visit purpose or leave it as "Not assigned" if you do not use room views on your scheduler
In "Price" box, only use if you want the price to show when the patient schedules
Check "Available for online scheduling" box
"Show Price" & "Show Duration" - only check these boxes if you want the patient to see them
Click on "Save" button
Q: Can we set up multiple visit purposes?
A: Yes, you can set up multiple visit purposes. Appointment purposes that have been set up in ChiroTouch are available to use in Online Scheduling.
Q: How do I add a new appointment purpose to our EMR/EHR software?
open ChiroTouch Maintenance
select List Maintenance
select list: Purpose of Visit
scroll down to *, add new entries as needed
in ChiroTouch Maintenance
select Options
in Appointment Defaults section, edit:
Back Color
Fore Color
Appt Length
Q: I added new appointment purposes in ChiroTouch. Why can’t I see them in TrackStat?
A: Appointment purposes will not be visible in TrackStat until they are used for the first time in ChiroTouch.
Q: Can an appointment/visit purpose be associated with more than 1 room on the ChiroTouch scheduler?
A: No, it can only be associated with 1 room
Keep in mind that appointments purposes or types in TrackStat must match the exact appointment length or duration as your EMR/EHR software (ChiroTouch, Genesis, etc...)
To determine the default settings for Appointment purposes in ChiroTouch follow these steps:
Open ChiroTouch Maintenance
Select Options
Select appointment in Appointment Defaults section
View Appt Length (duration)